Monday, March 24, 2008

Perugia has some crazy weather

Notice: it's March 24, and last Thursday it snowed here.

Today it's snowing again.

What is this craziness? I'm used to T-shirts and shorts by now. Send some good weather our way...PLEASE.


Anonymous said...

That is the way I felt in Portland. We visited with Michelle and it rained most of the time and the high temperature was 50. Glad to be back in Houston with a high of 70 and sunny skies. Sounds like you had a fun and adventurous spring break.
Love you,
Aunt Jackie

Ladan A. said...

I want the snow!! I'll be expecting it soon... that would be lovely. I think the rest of Austin wouldn't agree with me, so maybe we can arrange to where I can have Perugia weather right over my tiny apartment complex?

I'll also trade you some Austin hippies/pseudo-homeless folks for a few pub crazies, too :) But you can keep the smelly Elvis...

That update was well worth the wait! Don't worry, we'll take in the beautiful sunshine on our picnic/trip when you return to Austin! Enjoy the different weather while it lasts!! Looove, L